SJA Hollistics
Here's your final Go Slow Friday Letter of 2021! I've loved hearing your feedback and the difference that the practices and ideas, inspired by Eastern Medicine, have made to your health and wellbeing.

I wanted to conclude the year with FIVE thoughts curated especially for the Go Slow Friday Community.

1. A recent post I'd like to share again - "We need rest - not resolutions" because frankly we are all worn out. Friends, family and clients tell me they're feeling truly frazzled. Rest is medicine.

2. One of the most important stories I shared this year: "The 'prevention mindset' and how to live it". The sooner we adopt this mindset, the better we safeguard our wellness.

3. A personal highlight: the 10 Principles for Planetary Health, Healing and Harmony. Within the incredible tranquility of the oldest monastery in Ladakh (north India) where I stayed earlier this year, I outlined the various ways that the giving or receiving of Shiatsu has a positive impact on both the individual and the whole. More on that in 2022!

4. In December I lightly introduced "Shiatsu for the Journey Ahead". With empowered healing at its heart, it has been designed to give you the skills to meet the specific challenges we may face in the weeks and months ahead.

5. For the rest of the year, I'm planning more rest, more meditation, more swimming and less screen time. Bliss. Close your eyes and join me on an 'inner vacation'.

Wishing you a restful end to your year,


PS If you're struggling with end of year anxiety, hit REPLY and let's discuss how a Guided Self-Shiatsu Session could support you. Appointments available from January 3rd.

Videos for you on SJA Holistics (YouTube)

Unguided meditation and Qi Gong videos to support your health through the year.

'Meditate with Me' brings you 12 simple unguided meditation videos from Goa.

The 'Summertime Qigong Series' has 6 videos introducing you to the easy Shibashi Set One form. It's perfect for beginners.

More coming soon within "Shiatsu for the Journey Ahead".


About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor. She has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those wanting to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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