SJA Hollistics
Hello again, i'm back in London's chilly temperatures, storms and suburban living. There's no coconut palms in these climes!

Catching up with friends and family has been a joy, as was rediscovering my favourite London parks and cafes and receiving my first Shiatsu in over two years.

I hope this month's Letter finds you well, and looking forward to the spring colours and yang energy that will bring new life, projects and adventures.

Keep warm, stay balanced,

SJA Holistics

PS - I'm booked up for in-person Shiatsu and Reiki sessions in London. I'm back in Goa mid-March or let's connect online for a Guided Self-Shiatsu Session. Hit REPLY and say 'yes please' to get your session booked in!

Shiatsu sparking change and bringing you home to yourself

Receiving my first first Shiatsu in over two years recently felt like coming home to me.

It sparked a sense of joy and brought a brighter, sunnier outlook - much like embracing sunflowers and bathing in their golden beams.

Don't underestimate the power of Shiatsu to bring light in these winter months.

Videos for you on SJA Holistics (YouTube)

A reminder about the selection of videos to support your health.

'Shiatsu for The Journey Ahead' brings videos to guide you through whatever we may face as we move into a new year.

'Meditate with Me' brings you 12 simple unguided meditation videos from Goa.

The 'Summertime Qigong Series' has 6 videos introducing you to the easy Shibashi Set One form. It's perfect for beginners.


About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor. She has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those wanting to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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