SJA Hollistics
Welcome to your Go Slow Friday Letter from a lush green Goa. Yes I'm back in the land of golden beaches, cononut palms and and the final stages of the monsoon rains. There is an air of optimism and anticipation as we prepare for a new season.

I still associate this time of year with fresh starts as the new academic year unfolds and with it, thoughts about things to accomplish before the end of the year.

But we won't get far without our health in good shape. This week's post looks at the holistic approach to Eastern therapies and creating your unique 'health picture'.

Thanks for being part of the Holistics community where we take care of ourselves using practices from Eastern Medicine.

SJA Holistics

The path to achieving the courage of ten tigers

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Autumn often reminds me of the start of a new cycle since it's the season of a new academic year. Plus we may want to finalise a few things before the year's end.

But we won't get far without our health. Creating a 'health picture' is where we begin each Shiatsu and Reiki treatment which take a 'whole-person' holistic view of your health.

Videos for you on SJA Holistics (YouTube)

A reminder about the selection of videos available to support your health.

'Meditate with Me' brings you 12 simple unguided meditation videos from Goa.

The 'Summertime Qigong Series' has 6 videos introducing you to the easy Shibashi Set One form. Perfect for beginners!

More 'Acupressure For You' videos for specific ailments are coming soon.

About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor. She has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those wanting to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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I support people online around the world by guiding them in Self-Shiatsu.

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