SJA Hollistics
Welcome to your Go Slow Friday Letter coming from a sunny Leh, Ladakh in north India where this past week I've been acclimatising (3500m above sea level!), climbing hills, exploring Buddhist monasteries, and sampling the local food.

This week's installment of the Summertime Qigong Series was filmed at the very beautiful Japanese Stupa (shrine) so it's a rather special one - give it a try!

Thanks for being part of the Holistics community where we are empowered to take care of ourselves using practices from Eastern Medicine.

SJA Holistics

PS: What do you like reading the most in these weekly Letters and what else I could cover that would support your health and wellbeing? Hit REPLY and let me know!

Is lack of nourishment causing you an imbalance?

The Stomach and Spleen work together to process food, and send nourishment all round your body.

But if you're not eating the right foods, or over-thinking, you may be imbalanced. Discover the signs and what to do to restore your energy and feel brighter.

Six weeks of the Summertime Qigong Series

I've continue to feel so many benefits from my Qigong practice, so I want to share the benefits of this gentle yet powerful movement meditation.

Each week I demonstrate another three moves of the popular Shibashi Set One form. Follow along with me!
A few things celebrating later summer....

  • Check out this late summer salad from BBC Good Food. Tomatoes, spring onions and carrots should be easy to find and makes for some nice reds and oranges.
  • I'm surrounded by an abundance of apricots here in Leh so I had to share this recipe for apricot jam, from 'It's not complicated recipes' (!)
  • Try working Stomach36 acupressure point for late summer - it gives the whole body a boost and helps alleviate knee pain too.

About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor. She has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those wanting to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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I work with people online around the world to support themselves with Self-Shiatsu.

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