SJA Hollistics
Welcome to your Go Slow Friday Letter. The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted that you didn't receive a Letter last week. I confess - a stomach bug brought me down plus I was in the far north of India near the border of Pakistan which I discovered has barely a scrap of signal. So I exercised some self-compassion and took some much needed downtime.

This week I'm writing this Letter from the grounds of one of the oldest monasteries in Ladakh. Alchi Monastery was built around 1,100 years ago and contains some of the most colourful murals and Gurus (statues) of any monastery I've visited here. Meditating in one of the temples here early morning has definitely been a Ladakh highlight.

In the Summertime Qigong Series you can find moves 1-15 of the Shibashi Set One form, filmed at the beautiful Japanese Stupa (a symbol of peace) close to my guesthouse in Leh.

Thanks for being part of the Holistics community where we are empowered to take care of ourselves using practices from Eastern Medicine.

SJA Holistics

PS: I healed my stomach bug using a mix of fasting, curd, acupressure points and charcoal tablets. How do you recover from bugs? Hit REPLY and let me know!

My FIVE biggest reasons to practise Qigong

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-09 at 21.20.17
In five years of practice I've accrued some solid insights into the value of a regular Qigong routine. Now I cannot imagine life without this gentle yet powerful form of movement meditation.
Here's my biggest reasons why every one of us should give Qigong a try!

Six weeks of the Summertime Qigong Series

It's the penultimate week in the series of Qigong videos I've been filming on my travels around north India. This week you can discover moves 1-15 of the Shibashi Set One, an easy and accessible form relevant for beginners and more experienced alike.

Next week is the last in the series, sharing moves 1-18. Follow along with me!
A few things I've enjoyed this week...

  • Can Taoism help you enjoy life more? Yes it can! George Thompson explains how in his simple, engaging and down to earth style.
  • Gnger really is a wonder medicine, particularly for helping us maintain digestive balance. Check this selection of recipes for meals including ginger around the year.
  • This binaural beat meditation helps you to resonate with the Earth element. Enjoy this 20 minutes of relaxation whenever you're feeling in need of nourishment or support.

About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor. She has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those wanting to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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I work with people online around the world to support themselves with Self-Shiatsu.

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