SJA Hollistics
It's your Go Slow Friday letter - I hope you are well wherever this finds you.

Spring time may be arriving in your corner of the world, bringing more light and the promise of warmth. Alternatively, if you are in south India like me you might be thinking about heading north to avoid the start of the torrential Monsoon rains!

As virus numbers spike here in Goa, I have been reflecting on the wonders of Reiki and it's ablity to help me feel calm and safe. Reiki is such a simple yet effective healing system and we can tap into it anytime, anywhere, for support.

With this in mind, this week's blog post gives you a quick overview of the key elements of a Reiki self-care practice.It also details my new online course - Reiki for Everyone - which is your opportunity to dip a toe into the intriguing world of Reiki. This course could also be a helpful refresher if you trained in Reiki Level One but haven't practised in a while.

There is a fresh The Goa Sessions - Meditate with Me video, this one filmed at sunset bringing you 7 minutes of wind and waves at the end of another beautiful day.

Thanks for being part of the Holistics community where we look after ourselves using practices inspired by Eastern Medicine,

SJA Holistics: Helping you get well, feel great and stay well

Supporting ourselves with gentle Reiki energy

Reiki is a personal journey that can help us feel more connected to life, and also benefit our heatlth.

With just a few key elements, we can start working with Reiki energy as part of our daily meditation practice - no qualifications required.

Get the key insights with this new online course - Reiki for Everyone. Register your interest here.

The Goa Sessions - Meditate with Me

Bringing you short meditation videos filmed at my favourite locations around south Goa, so we can meditate together.
Each week I’m joined by a Practitioner friend - so join us and relaxwith the sights and sounds of Goa!
This week's video was filmed locally to me on Patnem Beach just as the sun was setting.
A few things I’ve enjoyed recently...

  • Anchoring the Breath (Part 1) is a foundation practice for all practitioners of Qigong and other internal arts. The practice helps to settle the breath, relax the mind and sink the Qi.
  • This reminder from TCM-World about the need to create space, so that we can re-charge ourselves and "begin from within" before we give to others.
  • Shiatsu organisation New Energy Work and its acupressure 'point of the week' - pressing this point on the lower leg helps relieve muscle tension in the back and hips.

About Sarah

Sarah is a certified Zen Shiatsu and Usui Reiki Practitioner and has been practising energy healing for more than a decade.
Her clients are typically people seeking effective solutions to common ailments, as well as those seeking to address the root cause of stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours such as burnout (over-work). Read more...

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Share the love! Forward this to anyone who might benefit from easy self-care tips - sign up here.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram for more natural health tips.

Book a Reiki or Shiatsu Session either in-person for hands-on treatment if you are in Goa, or book a remote session if you are further afield.

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