Four ways to work with the Wood Element of Spring

The rising energies of Spring outside call us to align with our creative impulses inside. The air is thick with potential – of who we want to be and the things we want to birth this year. As nature springs to life, we are reminded that annual cycles continue with the movement of Ki helping to birth the new, regardless of what is happening in the world.

When in balance, Wood energy is able to flow easily through the Liver and Gall Bladder energy meridians. We are able to release anger and do so constructively, and express difficult feelings.

This year, Wood energy may feel a little different given the restrictions to our movement with ongoing lockdowns which could manifest as feelings of frustration and anger. To get your Wood energy flowing, use the acupressure point below to stimulate energetic movement in your Liver channel.

Here are my top four suggestions for aligning with Wood energy.

  1. Use Acupressure point Liver 3, the Great Thoroughfare

Working this point helps release pain and frustration, and promotes circulation of Ki and for improved vision and clarity. It’s a fantastic point for clearing the head and eyes to improve your vision and help you see the way forward in your life. The video explains how to locate it on your foot.

Directions to work any acupressure point

Press gently with relaxed and open awareness; maintain a broad chest so you can inhale and exhale with ease; press as you exhale and repeat as many times as feels necessary. You can work the point on one or both sides of the body.

  1. Express yourself!

Liver energy (a Wood Organ paired with Gall Bladder) loves to be able to flow freely so that it can enjoy a full perspective, helping us to plan for the future and express ourselves. Singing, dancing, writingm painting – any form of self expression is good right now!

Want to get in touch with your inner creative or feel stuck about expressing yourself? This excellent six week online course – “A Wave in the Heart: Poetic Connections” helped me overcome a huge creative block. After week five, something finally shifted and the words started to trickle out. Thank you Amara and Vishwam!

  1. Foods to support Liver health

In Chinese Medicine, the Liver is responsible for de-toxing the Blood, and enables the storage and release of nutrients. It loves pungent foods including: mint, spring onions, ginger, horseradish, chamomile and black pepper. Eating green foods will also help decongest your liver, promote the movement of Ki and bring your body into harmony with the season. (Thank you 8 Branches Chinese Medicine.)

  1. Book a Guided Self-Shiatsu Session

A guided Shiatsu session (in person or online) is an opportunity to be supported by Shiatsu practices such as stretches and acupressure points. You can learn valuable practices to use in your own time to support your self-care. This is the most effective way for you to align with the creative opportunities presented y spring’s Wood energy. See here for information and to book.

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Qigong training and connection

Summer's been spent away from social media dealing with some big life stresses, renovating a 19th century cottage and enjoying a rather unexpected jaunt back into the corporate world writing about legal technologies. (It was actually fun!)

I was invited to talk on a podcast about integrating my holistic work alongside my 'heady' work. Theyre a balance that works well for me - a bit of cognitive brain-led stuff and then my sensing and feeling work.

Happy to be back in community exploring stillness and movement, via the Shibashi Set Two, and hanging out among the hazel grove protecting the yurt - the haven for our training and the perfect sanctuary when the heavens poured and the winds blew.

Leading the meditation, the final gathering on our last day, was a special moment. Of course, I had to do something about trees, and it had to be the oak. The wind howled as we drifted into the ki field of our oak friends and sat in communion with the power of the tees, from roots to crown.

We have experienced all the elements this week, including a small but very bright rainbow after the meditation when the rain poured suddenly.

Ive got tons of new inspiration to bring into my own and group practices as I head to Goa for winter.

Autumn is a time to gather all we have experienced over the past few months, and refine it to carry the most important bits onwards with us on this wild ride through human life. It's not for the faint hearted!

The darkness is drawing in - which also means it's time to find the tropics! ✌️🌴

Back soon.....


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About Me

I founded SJA Holistics to help people get well, feel great, and stay well using the power of practices derived from Eastern Medicine including Shiatsu, Reiki, Acupressure and Qi Gong.

For over a decade I’ve worked with Ki and have first-hand experience of how energy- and body-work can lead to positive health. Working with the energy body as well as the physical can bring profound changes to mental, emotional and physical issues.

After completing three years of study for the Professional Shiatsu Diploma, I honed my experience working voluntarily for six months in a national UK charity giving Shiatsu to people recovering from substance misuse.

It is my mission to help you recognise your own self-healing ability and to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to dramatically improve your self-care.

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My Approach

We create your current health picture. Then we get clear on your goals so that we are aligned from the outset. This makes it easier to monitor progress.

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Intelligent Energy

Every one of us has a universal energy, also known as lifeforce, chi, prana and Ki, that underpins our whole existence, and within that, our health. Stimulating the flow of Ki is how you can get well, feel great and stay well.

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