Self-Shiatsu to calm nerves as life resumes

Is society opening up in your area? 

You might be breathing a sigh of relief, excited to be able to socialise once again and have a BBQ without the neighbors curtain twitching!

As much as we now have a deeper appreciation for the interactions we need as humans to keep us healthy and well – including our need for touch – resuming normal life may also feel daunting, even overwhelming. 

According to this UK study, the return to the workplace has many feeling apprehensive. It found that 40% of people – and 50% of those under 35 – believe a full-time return to the office would be bad for their mental wellbeing. 

Why the anxiety? It could be that while lockdown was hard, it was also defined, temporary and consistent. As the world opens up, we are now confronted with unknowns: whether things will change again, if life will ever be as it once was, the efficacy of vaccines, and so on.

How can we manage this anxiety and also protect ourselves as we attempt to resume our lives?

Chinese Medicine has part of the solution in the form of the Heart Protector, an Organ that assists the Heart in maintaining balance by absorbing shock, trauma and other disturbances. This frees the Heart to focus on the important task of running our entire being.

Getting to know your Heart’s chief bodyguard 

The Heart is considered so important in Chinese Medicine that it has its own bodyguard, known as the Heart Protector (HP). This meridian can be seen in the main blog image. I love ancient maps of the body because it’s a reminder of how Shiatsu has evolved from centuries old practices.

On a physical level this is a double-layered sac of fibrous tissue surrounding the heart with serous fluid found between the layers. This fluid protects the Heart from external shock or trauma and lubricates to allow for normal Heart movement.

Path of the Heart Protector

Chinese Medicine believes that the idea of ‘protection’ goes much deeper and also holds an important energetic function. The HP constricts the chest to protect the Heart Organ, helps to express the joy of the Heart and protects the Heart from damage and disruption by excessive emotions from other organs and external sources.

“If our sensitive inner emotional zone is threatened, the protective energy of the HP goes into defensive strategies…The emotions may manifest as hypersensitivity and extremely intense behavior.”*

Self-Shiatsu for your Heart Protector

Gently applying pressure along the meridian will help to stimulate the movement of Ki and strengthen the channel. It is accessed easily on the arms and we do not have to apply much pressure.

Part of the meridian runs along the inside of the arm through a point in the centre of the palm known as HP8. When pressed gently, this point shifts tension over the Heart area creating a sense of calm.

Why we must protect our Heart

With protection from the HP, the Heart can be fair, impartial and honest, open to give and receive love, dispense justice, set boundaries and create order within the body.  Without this protection, the Heart may become imbalanced and thus lose impartiality.

Extreme emotional outbursts are seen as powerful disruptors of balance and a major cause of disease. Without the HP for protection, the heart could be damaged by everyday emotional fluctuations. Love and joy may disappear, replaced by sadness and fear. 

“We lose our connection to the Universal spirit, which pervades everyone and everything. We experience internal disorder; we can neither love ourselves nor open to the love of others. We feel vulnerable, easily hurt and “heartbroken.” In the other extreme, we may shut down and overprotect ourselves.”**

Symptoms of imbalance

An imbalance in the Heart or HP, known as Fire meridians, could involve disorders of consciousness including epilepsy, coma, delirium, shock, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety, palpitations, arrhythmias, cold extremities, talking very fast, high blood pressure.

If you recognise any of these symptoms in yourself, or someone you know, consider a Shiatsu session. You can book an online Guided Self-Shiatsu Session to explore the root cause of the symptom(s).

Don’t forget that Shiatsu is also perfect to help maintain good health too.

To discuss how Shiatsu could benefit you – book a FREE 15 minute Consultation and we can explore your health picture and your goals.

I also write a free weekly newsletter called the Go Slow Friday Letter which features tips and practices to help you get well, feel great and stay well with the power of Eastern Medicine.


* Carola Beresford Cooke, “Shiatsu Theory & Practice”, Third edition, 2016 (pg 243)

**Acupuncture Today, The Heart Protector, Nov 2014

Related: Acupressure Insights – Heart Protector 8

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Qigong training and connection

Summer's been spent away from social media dealing with some big life stresses, renovating a 19th century cottage and enjoying a rather unexpected jaunt back into the corporate world writing about legal technologies. (It was actually fun!)

I was invited to talk on a podcast about integrating my holistic work alongside my 'heady' work. Theyre a balance that works well for me - a bit of cognitive brain-led stuff and then my sensing and feeling work.

Happy to be back in community exploring stillness and movement, via the Shibashi Set Two, and hanging out among the hazel grove protecting the yurt - the haven for our training and the perfect sanctuary when the heavens poured and the winds blew.

Leading the meditation, the final gathering on our last day, was a special moment. Of course, I had to do something about trees, and it had to be the oak. The wind howled as we drifted into the ki field of our oak friends and sat in communion with the power of the tees, from roots to crown.

We have experienced all the elements this week, including a small but very bright rainbow after the meditation when the rain poured suddenly.

Ive got tons of new inspiration to bring into my own and group practices as I head to Goa for winter.

Autumn is a time to gather all we have experienced over the past few months, and refine it to carry the most important bits onwards with us on this wild ride through human life. It's not for the faint hearted!

The darkness is drawing in - which also means it's time to find the tropics! ✌️🌴

Back soon.....


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About Me

I founded SJA Holistics to help people get well, feel great, and stay well using the power of practices derived from Eastern Medicine including Shiatsu, Reiki, Acupressure and Qi Gong.

For over a decade I’ve worked with Ki and have first-hand experience of how energy- and body-work can lead to positive health. Working with the energy body as well as the physical can bring profound changes to mental, emotional and physical issues.

After completing three years of study for the Professional Shiatsu Diploma, I honed my experience working voluntarily for six months in a national UK charity giving Shiatsu to people recovering from substance misuse.

It is my mission to help you recognise your own self-healing ability and to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to dramatically improve your self-care.

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My Approach

We create your current health picture. Then we get clear on your goals so that we are aligned from the outset. This makes it easier to monitor progress.

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Intelligent Energy

Every one of us has a universal energy, also known as lifeforce, chi, prana and Ki, that underpins our whole existence, and within that, our health. Stimulating the flow of Ki is how you can get well, feel great and stay well.

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