Practise Self Care for Life

As we approach the end of the Self Care Forum’s Self-Care Week, I’ve been reflecting on my own journey with using practices from Eastern Medicine to look after my health and wellness.

This theme for this year’s Self Care Week is ‘practise self care for life’ which I particularly love because it echoes my own ambitions for SJA Holistics.

Discovering how to work with the physical- and energy-body has dramatically improved my health. Now I’m sharing those insights – like this acupressure point on the foot.

I used to think self-care was yet another thing on the to-do list. I never really knew what I needed so I muddled along, trying different things and seeing what felt good. 

This approach doesn’t work for everyone. Many people don’t have time to experiment and what solutions fast. It doesn’t help that we are conditioned to look outside of us to ‘experts’ rather than inwards to discover what we need.

Though Self-Care Week concludes on November 21st, our journey with self-care is of course a lifelong, multi-layered practice. Our needs naturally evolve as we age so the practices we need change too.

Want to hear more about my journey with Shiatsu?

On Friday 26th November at 3.30pm GMT I’ll be on the Everything Shiatsu podcast talking about how I stumbled into Shiatsu, all the ways it’s improved my self-care (as a Self-Shiatsu practice) and the 10 Principles I created to guide the use of Shiatsu for planetary health, healing and harmony.

Mihael Mamychshvili started Everything Shiatsu at the start of the panic. I’ve loved tuning into his guest speakers for their wisdom and insights. As the only Shiatsu Practitioner in south Goa, it also helped me to feel connected to the global ‘Shiatsu family’ and use Shiatsu to better support my own health.

I’m in great company alongside some of the Shiatsu ‘pioneers’ who were instrumental in bringing Shiatsu to the UK – such as Carola Beresford-Cooke and Cliff Andrews (of New Energy Work).

It is great honour to be sharing my thoughts on Shiatsu for health, especially post-COP26 and the frustrations and existential anxiety many of us are experiencing in not reaching the consensus for limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.

Join the Everything Shiatsu Facebook Group and tune in!

shiatsu reiki acupressure

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Qigong training and connection

Summer's been spent away from social media dealing with some big life stresses, renovating a 19th century cottage and enjoying a rather unexpected jaunt back into the corporate world writing about legal technologies. (It was actually fun!)

I was invited to talk on a podcast about integrating my holistic work alongside my 'heady' work. Theyre a balance that works well for me - a bit of cognitive brain-led stuff and then my sensing and feeling work.

Happy to be back in community exploring stillness and movement, via the Shibashi Set Two, and hanging out among the hazel grove protecting the yurt - the haven for our training and the perfect sanctuary when the heavens poured and the winds blew.

Leading the meditation, the final gathering on our last day, was a special moment. Of course, I had to do something about trees, and it had to be the oak. The wind howled as we drifted into the ki field of our oak friends and sat in communion with the power of the tees, from roots to crown.

We have experienced all the elements this week, including a small but very bright rainbow after the meditation when the rain poured suddenly.

Ive got tons of new inspiration to bring into my own and group practices as I head to Goa for winter.

Autumn is a time to gather all we have experienced over the past few months, and refine it to carry the most important bits onwards with us on this wild ride through human life. It's not for the faint hearted!

The darkness is drawing in - which also means it's time to find the tropics! ✌️🌴

Back soon.....


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About Me

I founded SJA Holistics to help people get well, feel great, and stay well using the power of practices derived from Eastern Medicine including Shiatsu, Reiki, Acupressure and Qi Gong.

For over a decade I’ve worked with Ki and have first-hand experience of how energy- and body-work can lead to positive health. Working with the energy body as well as the physical can bring profound changes to mental, emotional and physical issues.

After completing three years of study for the Professional Shiatsu Diploma, I honed my experience working voluntarily for six months in a national UK charity giving Shiatsu to people recovering from substance misuse.

It is my mission to help you recognise your own self-healing ability and to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to dramatically improve your self-care.

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My Approach

We create your current health picture. Then we get clear on your goals so that we are aligned from the outset. This makes it easier to monitor progress.

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Intelligent Energy

Every one of us has a universal energy, also known as lifeforce, chi, prana and Ki, that underpins our whole existence, and within that, our health. Stimulating the flow of Ki is how you can get well, feel great and stay well.

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