The path to achieving the courage of ten tigers

For common ailments like headaches, period pain, a dodgy tummy and the flu, the solutions I relied on used to be almost exclusively pill-shaped.

Delving into the world of energy work helped me realise how unhelpful this approach was. Although pills may bring rapid relief (desirable in our impatient, time-poor world) they merely mask symptoms rather than getting to the root cause. And relief may only be temporary.

Worse, in popping pills for problems, we overlook what our bodies are trying to signal to us about what’s wrong.

For example, digestive issues are often a manifestation of stress; physical aches and pains may be embodied emotional tension; and constipation a need to improve diet.

Our haste for a speedy solution prevents us from listening closely and finding a solution for long-term relief.

A holistic approach to health recognises that we are β€œwhole” people, so looking to treat one tiny area or issue is usually a mistake. We are so interconnected that influencing one area will have an impact on everything else.

This Chinese adage expresses this sense of wholeness.

β€œIf you know the art of deep breathing, you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers.”

Put another way – the dictionary defines the word β€˜holistic’ in reference to our health as β€œcharacterised by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.”

With the advance of medicine, healthcare has become increasingly specialised and fragmented. There are surgeons for complex procedures, nutritionists to recommend ways to eat healthily, a therapist for processing stress and trauma, and a priest for times for existential crises.

Yet rarely is there any crossover, or guidance on taking a single view of the whole person.Β It seems that we have forgotten the fact that health encompasses not just the absence of physical disease.

To be in good health requires healthy habits, thoughts, coping mechanisms, and harmonious ways of relating to our environment and to others.Β 

Your picture of health

Before I work with you, I need to understand your health picture and your goals. I will examine not only the obvious physical factors, but also mental, emotional, social, and even spiritual factors.

This is why the questions I ask before your Shiatsu session (and similar for Reiki) may feel so broad, for example I will ask about:

Diet, exercise, sleep quality

Historial health complaints and surgeries

Your living set up, marital status and support network

Your employment

SJA Holistics’ approach to health

Our vision is a world where we all take a holistic view of wellness which at its core means recognising how inherently inter-connected we are.

Consequently, considering our health at every level is essential.

This approach can be combined with Western Medicine if specialist input is required. Two of my family members opted for chemotherapy and the treatment was successful. Β 

(There is growing evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of Eastern Medicine to ease the nausea, pain and loss of appetite induced by such aggressive treatments.)

Recognition of our existence as whole beings reminds us that impacting one aspect of our being will affect all the other levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is Ki (energy) that combines every aspect and it is this energy I work with during Shiatsu and Reiki.

Source: New Energy Work

Harnessing your Ki either supported by a Practitioner or in a self-practice is the most effective way to achieve the courage of ten tigers!

shiatsu reiki acupressure


Drop me a line and we can discuss your health goals and whether Shiatsu or Reiki would be the best option for you.

Join the Community

Catalysing my life and work...

As well as giving Reiki and Shiatsu sessions, and instructing Qigong, my work continues to expand in unexpected and profound ways

When energy moves, clarity improves.

I move energy for clients via 1:1 sessions and group classes. 

Currently influencing my holistic work:

⚫The Sacred Network
How I became part of this is pure synchronicity. 

There is no doctrine in the SN. It encourages group think, inner exploration and freedom of thought. Together, we find our own meaning of truth.

For the last month, we have been studying Goethe's mind-blowing and little known fairytale. It's overflowing with symbolism. Even Steiner couldn't de-code it all.

The intersection of science and spirituality combines wisdom from the (tiny) mind plus our embodied experiences (body wisdom). I like this a lot because trying to make sense of the world cerebrally, by intellectualising everything, is nonsense.
There are always signs and patterns guiding us. Don't ignore them.

Seth Speaks is one of the most unusual books I've ever read. It speaks to the multidimensional nature of life....

...which unfolded for me experientially  in 2016 when I studied the lightbody with Nicola Ley. Art by @alexgreycosm helps to bring this work to life when words are hard to find.

⚫Study group led by Pauline Sasaki's Quantum Shiatsu student, Nicola Ley

Working with the lightbody evolved for me through the pandemic, when stranded in India, I swapped Distance Shiatsu sessions with @hanastarace (in the UK).

This quantum/lightbody work (in the etheric and astral fields) feels weirdly natural for me. 
The possibilities for this work are so vast - and now so needed to seed vibrations of peace, and harmonise the volatility that seems to permeate so much of our world.

For my clients, it means they receive a Shiatsu session that works from the deepest physical levels (the material) all the way across to the highest vibrations of their spiritual existence (immaterial). 
Sessions can be received remotely (you don't need to be with me in person).


Energy Moves. Clarity improves.

With better vision, we get closer to the truth, of who we are and our world.

This is important for people who feel lost, tired and worn out with life.

When we move our energy, our Ki, via methods from ancient East Asian energy arts, we:

βšͺ Connect with our inner reality, our only truth
βšͺ By disconnecting from the distortion of the external world
βšͺ And tuning into our inner world - through touch, meditation, intention and movement
βšͺ Which helps us to feel less lost, fearful and disillusioned; and more alive.
βšͺ We come into balance, the condition for health, feel energised and livelier;
βšͺ And we learn the tools for both navigating our inner and outer worlds...
βšͺ And preventing dis-ease from arising.

So if you are someone who:

Questions your purpose
Often feels lost
Experiences brain fog
Has trouble concentrating
Feels too tired too often 
Cannot see the way ahead

...then Energy Moves is for you.

Learning how to move your energy is how you find your way home. Clarity brings freedom, truth and authenticity.

You can do this with practices from Shiatsu, Reiki and Qigong.

East Asian arts have for many centuries allowed people to experience a far deeper, richer and more conscious connection to life.

It's a cosmic consciousness that is available to us all.

Energy Moves shows you the way 




A re-introduction...

Hello I'm Sarah!
What am I doing in India?

In 2019, my health really deteriorated. I came close to full burnout.

I used my own trainings in East Asian energy arts to give me the energy, motivation, courage and vision to pack up my London life of 15 years - and head to India on a one-way ticket.

I had been living disconnected from nature, and myself, for too long. Living a frenetic always-on unsustainable pace dictated by my circumstances than chosen by me.

After seeing a car number plate ending in GOA on my local high street, it confirmed my decision to depart for tropical shores, and restore my health.

I left the UK on January 31st 2020. I had no idea that India would go into full lockdown a few weeks later.

Friends panicked and left India. Then phoned to tell me to I did - for 2.5 years!

During that time I was lucky to travel Rajasthan, Ladakh and Himachal, seeing empty streets like in Pushkar that would normally be bustling with life.

My health and my practitioner work flourished. I gave Shiatsu and Reiki sessions in both Goa and Dharamsala. 

I noticed patterns in the kinds of clients I attracted, and in the issues I seem to be best suited to addressing.


Now it is almost 4 years since I left the UK, and my energy work continues to expand - in unexpected and hugely profound ways.

Truth and illusion have become big themes for me. I use my energy practices to move energy, which improves clarity.

Working in the astral is my comfort zone. Working on the physical (body) is more challenging for me. 

The Sacred Network, the work of Pauline Sasaki (shared by Nicola Ley) and Qigong continues to expand my perspectives and heavily influence my practitioner work, and my life experiences.


The birth of Energy Moves:

This is a fresh direction for my work that seeks to guide people to their inner light - their truth, while experiencing many health benefits along the way.

Spiritual well-being is a particular focus for my work - and needed by so many people feeling lost, tired and disllusioned with life.

Thanks for your continued support.



From me, the birds and the palms...

Festive vibes to you, whenever you are.

Especially if you're away from your family and/or navigating tricky family dynamics and polite (or less polite) conversation!

My least favourite time of year is upon us. An artificially created day of mass consumption followed by another artificial "end" of year frenzy.

To all those just getting through the day to day, wintering, and trying to rest and replenish through the cold dark months - I'm with you ☯️🀟

Sweaty wintry love

Ps - a few NEW things are on the horizon from yours truly. Stay tuned.



Snippets from the tropics....

Salt water
Swimming dogs
Magical skies

My natural medicine.
Feeling strong again post Cvid.

Filled up by sunrise Qigong practices from my rooftop.

Went to my first vinyasa yoga class. The muscles burned and I ached the next day, can feel my body absorbing the practice and taking shape 

Helped with a clothes sale for the animal sanctuary.

Had a powerful massage with Ewa, here in Goa. That lady has some seriously effective energy work skills. The etheric work in my hips and pelvis was strong and so needed.

And concluded the Embodied Entrepreneur programme with Erika from @your_right_to_be
Our call was a really inspiring conclusion to the extensive themes covered during the programme, that pinpointed the many challenges faced by female entrepreneurs.

It's brought so much clarity. I have a direction for my holistic work beyond 1:1 treatments. Themes are opening up that I can speak to with authority. 

The path is unfolding, assisted by my experience in ceremony with Kambo at the beginning of November. Tons of gratitude to @rebecca_moteofdust for suggesting the exchange.✨ I gave Shiatsu.

Festive love x

Morning Qigong
A Goa rooftop
Birds, rising sun, butterflies, the Ghats mountains and monkeys!

3 adults and 3 baby monkeys watched my Qigong practice thismorning.
I wonder if they'll give it a try?!

1. Wake up
2. Yawn a lot
3. Wash face
4. Get dressed
5. Find your Qigong space
6. Do-In or 'Wake Up The Body'
7. Wuji Stance (Opening Posture)
8. Commencing Form (Shibashi Set One)


Wuji Stance:
It's a feeling of perfect balance.
Like a seatbelt, with practice you just click into it.
Micro movements will help you find this.
Feet hip width apart.
Arms to the side slightly raised as if holding balls under the armpits.
Neck elongated as if being pulled up by a fine thread.

Standing like a piece of hollow bamboo.

Mind is relaxed, open, expanded: as big as the sky.

Face is relaxed. No serious faces!


I was as relaxed as I could be, with a troop of monkeys watching!
I'm in their space.
I invited them into the practice. Both the males seemed to watch the whole thing. The females kept with the babies.

One of them was itching or rubbing his tail as I finished up. Was he doing Do-In?
We shall never know.
I wonder if they will return tomorrow.

Last week they weed on my balcony chair and left a 'present' on the side.
I don't think they like me!
Perhaps they'll like the Qigong.


Start your week right: with Qigong


How I do winter...

Two weeks back in Goa and I'm finding my flow.

Drawing on guidance from the Water Element in Chinese Medicine that reminds us that winter is a time to slow down, rest and go inwards.

I've never been comfortable with many things about Christmas and in particular - what a terrible way at this cold dark time of year to get so buzzed up and frenetic!

I'm now in the tropics which for me is the perfect wintering location - some might even call it paradise?!

I love the crispy white snowy pics I'm getting sent from the UK though!

But I'll take sunshine and palm trees over snowmen and Christmas turkey any day. 

Water, diving and sailing have long been my favourite things so beach life is my happy place. Perhaps it's something about being born on the edge of Lake Ontario that has put water in my veins.

I'm also slowly but surely unsubscribing from all the annoying emails calling me to reflect on the past year and set intentions. No! 
I might do so nearer the end of winter but not now, for an artificially created end of year milestone.

Cruising into winter now, running my life from the beach and setting up some treatment swaps with other Practitioners. I'm back on form post Covid 🀟

More incoming about resting, recharging and how TCM can support us at this quiet, introspective time of year.


Repost from @repairing_the_nervous_system 
It's so spot on....

I pick up my trainings interchangeably, as I need them:

Shiatsu (Zen, Multidimensional, Movement)
Usui Reiki
Physical exercise
Nature time

There is no specific pattern.

A daily Qigong practice probably means Qigong is the most frequent.

If you're a holistic Practitioner, how does your self-care vary? What practices are your go-to's?

Though recently with Covid, I had no energy for it. 
Do-In was too much for my body to receive (tapping along energy meridians)

As I was just discussing with @dawnoei, mostly for 10 days all I could do was place hands on chest and bring awareness to the pathogen, breathe in healing light and visualise a pathway for the pathogen to leave along the Large Intestine meridian. Sometimes I worked LI4.
(This approach was inspired by @malikameddings from #newenergyworkntrainings)

I started taking homeopathic remedies from @family_homeopath_zoescanlan last Thursday.  It feels good to notice their subtle yet powerful effects.

I'm back to morning Qigong - how could I not practice, with these kind of jungle views!? 

So many different colourful birds flitting around, and birds of prey looming. It's jaw droppingly beautiful.



A whirlwind week in Goa ...

A brief summary!

Landed in Goa, exhausted from the tail end of Covid. Quickly caught a cold.

Rescued my precious moped (thanks James, Nat and Dave) and my possessions (gracias @inma_marmol)

Moved into a new apartment, with unexpectedly stunning views of the Ghats. The tranquil Haven I always need.

Ate my fav pumpkin thali 🀟
And the best sushi from

Hung out with cows on the beach.

Got moped spruced up. Took old girl for a ride today down to Galgibag. 

Celebrated a birthday in the revamped Love Bites. Caught up with some fab faces.

Got published in Australian media for the first time, writing about Shiatsu and longevity. The topic has been on my mind - it's now 7 years since I found Shiatsu (or did it find me?!). ☯️

And resumed my space on the beach, absorbing some much needed rays while slipping into a more receptive vibe, after the doing-ness of the week.


Get your tkt booked!!! 


Goa is waiting for you!


One year on.....

Safely landed in Goa. Sleeping, settling into the land, and trying to recover from the tail end of a month of illness thanks to My First Cvid! Finally, it took me down!

And today, taking it very easy with beach and sea time, as I reflect on the horrendous experience that unfolded this day last year on Koh Pan Ghan  by a so-called friend.

A year on and things are somehow still hard. 
Just forget about it and move on.....yep, I'm trying. Unfortunately it's not that easy. Triggers pop up in the most unexpected ways.

But for every vile unhinged manipulative narc, there are thankfully many good eggs. Though i suspect some haven't been able to see past his smear campaign - there are plenty who know the real story and what I went through last December.

It's difficult events that highlight who the real friends are - the ones who check in, whose concern is genuine, whose actions say it all.

Being a human isn't easy, but consistent authentic kindness really does help to smooth the ride.

If you know, you know. Or perhaps it's easier to look the other way and make excuses for toxic behaviour.


My Shiatsu, Reiki and Qigong practices have taken on new forms - like reassuring presences that I can "just do" when my head hurts too much to think. 


To all those I only caught glimpses of this summer, or who I didn't get to see though we tried (!), I'm sorry and really looking forward to seeing you next year. I hope to be more sociable.


More incoming on my plans for this Goa season. 

It's easy to get swept up in the greasy frenetic wheels of the "wellness" world here.

Spirituality is Big Business. And what perfect place to study: in an authentic Eastern setting. Hmmmm.

Once again, there is little on offer that resonates with me.

Im going to be discovering Winter, the season of introspection. The essential piece of the annual cycle that asks us to be slower, still, to look inward.

Searching within is perhaps the perfect antidote to Goa's very externally focused 'buy your quick fix path to peace and contentment'.


Pls get in touch if you're coming to Goa and I'll make an effort to meet. Great to hear from a few already ...

Shiatsu swapping....

Much needed compassionate touch, and on a Friday evening too. Perfect end of week relax!

Thank you @tanyapriceshiatsu really enjoyed being able to let go of everything for an hour and reconnect within.

More on @practitionersgarden about setting up a swap and why to do so! (So many reasons!) Find the story in the Highlights on that channel, see Substack.

Tanya is based at BodyMatters in Steyning.


Seasonal change....

Greens and blues 
Plus reds and oranges.

Earth Element giving way to Metal.

But I was still enjoying summer (Fire) and early autumn (Earth)! Feeling the grief (Metal) of longing for summer again, long days and so much light.

Five Element Cycle gives us clues about seasonal energies and how we can move with them. Plus it makes so much sense, doesn't it?!

Metal is about refinement, letting go of impurities/what we dont need, so that we go into winter hibernation carrying only what we really need to get us through the cold months, and restore us ready for spring (Wood) growth.

As I begin packing my bags for India - I'm wondering what my essentials are?

Books, clothes, candles, music, photos, thoughts, people and memories of the past summer.

What do I need to take with me?
What do we need for winter (mine will be another tropical one!)?


Apple picking, mushroom hunting and walking ...

Autumn days, best spent with old friends and dogs, in the Welsh mountains.

Prize winning veggies and bottles of red. A far cry from the sweaty clubs and late nights of our formative years #bristol #goldenyears #oldfriends


Managing mental health ...

Looks like:

Greens and blues πŸ’šπŸ’™
Being outside
The Downs

As a daily practice.

The mysterious circle of trees Chanctonbury Ring is full of myth and legend, which always adds another dimension to my walks on the Downs!

Awareness days are nice reminders but pointless unless you're integrating practices regularly.

It takes a while to figure out what you need. And even longer to make them non-negotiables.

I get depleted rapidly these days if I dont get nature and alone time (ideally together) for at least a few days each week.


Still learning and growing also!


Looking forward to a Shiatsu swap with @hanastarace tomorrow - which is also a key part of how I keep balanced and feeling good. 


Life as a desk-bound worker...

A photo from a happy day, when I was leading PR for #solarcentury a job I really loved given the cause but wow did it come with a lot of stress at times.

When launching one of Kenyas largest solar projects, I experienced heart palpitations for about 2 months. They continued even after the launch while I was on holiday. Heart shudders every few minutes. And I was only 35, and otherwise fit and healthy.

Launching today:

Im pleased to see Women in PR launching a campaign today on World Mental Health Awareness Day, to raise awareness of burnout in PR world.

I left corporate PR in 2019 after a particularly toxic incident at a global PR company (one that supposedly had People as one of its core values) when i was contracting.

It catalysed an ending that though sad, made space for my holistic work, and allowed time out that I desperately needed, to rebalance and get a handle on my nervous system.


I now use my holistic skills and training to keep me feeling balanced, grounded and able to get back into the flow of my life, when balance is lost or I'm getting close to tank empty.

And the more energy work I'm doing, the more sensitive I'm becoming, which brings new challenges - like becoming unable to spend long in cities. A day in Brighton on Sunday totally wiped me out. I'm not exaggerating!


More info:

WiPR launches 'Speak Out! Don't Burn Out! Campaign on World Mental Health Awareness Day

Today, on World Mental Health Awareness Day, WiPR has launched its latest campaign β€œSpeak Out! Don’t Burnout!’ to shine a light on the myriad of issues that see women in the PR industry face burnout.Β 

Survey data shows the scale of the problem:

92% of women said that unlike other industries, the PR industry is 24/7 profession, which makes it harder to switch off in the evenings or weekends.Β 

60% of those who currently feel stressed/anxious or burnt out said they find it difficult to talk about in the workplace.

66% of senior PR women have considered quitting their job due to burnout.

Of those who have experienced burnout in the last 12 months, only 11% say they have been completely supported.

The Shiatsu Greats

Anyone in Shiatsu world will be familiar with Carola Beresford-Cook!

As a deepening of my Shiatsu studies, I'm going to be studying alongside Carola and various Shiatsu practitioners around the world in "A Year with Carola" and Im pretty excited about it !

I began my Shiatsu training 7 years ago and became a certified Practitioner 4 years ago. It's been a wild ride since then!

Now feels like the perfect time to reinforce my knowledge and add to it.

I'll be sharing knowledge here as I go, for Practitioners, and explaining the benefit for my clients.

Chinese Medicine, and Shiatsu as a part of that, is so vast. It can be a lifetime exploration. There is no end to this journey, which means we can never know enough.

It's also good to recognise what you DO know as the vastness of TCM can feel overwhelming.

As well as gaining new knowledge, the learnings become embedded within, and the experiential understanding is felt, and appreciated as a feeling-knowing. 

I love how Shiatsu isn't all about the head. The wisdom of the body is just as important.


Self-Shiatsu has been a big part of my Shiatsu journey ever since I found myself as a lone Practitioner for the whole pandemic in India! I had no one to receive Shiatsu from - so I worked on myself!

My Shiatsu path continues to unfold in new and profound ways, and I'm now really happy to be studying alongside this global Shiatsu network


Glastonbury apple orchard camping....

....would have been rude not to whip up a crumble!

The perfect Autumn food - from one of my favourite campsites! This time I was joined by a near full moon for company.

Who else is enjoying more warming meals, root veggies and autumn orange leaves?!

Time to pick some of these soon πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

Swapping Shiatsu this week....

Fantastic skillshare with very experienced Practitioner @tanyapriceshiatsu ✌️☯️

Tanya works in the tranquil Body Matters space in Steyning, West Sussex.

Tanya's physical Shiatsu helped me feel more grounded and loosened my tight hips. I felt more connected to the ground as I walked home, noticing the contact of my feet with the floor and with each step, feeling more weighted. Mind was calmer.

The skilled touch of Shiatsu that treats you as an individual and works with how it finds you in the moment is such a great way to be reminded of your physical shell and give it some TLC.

Shiatsu is also like a thank you for how hard the body works to carry you through life and all the tough times. It's also a welcome break from the busy mind.

Our training is slightly different which was reflected in the Shiatsu we gave to each other. This was also a nice reminder that the world needs all Shiatsu styles...because we each offer something unique that will benefit someone.

Lovely to meet Tanya and looking forward to more swaps.β˜―οΈπŸ’œ

I'll remember to get a pic of us both next time!


Do you share your skills with others?
If not, and you'd like to, head to @practitionersgarden for an upcoming story about how to organise a swap with another Practitioner.


Summer months...

As colours turn and Earth Element brings in the Autumn Equinox, I'm as usual wondering what happened to summer.

Grateful to have holed up on the south downs these past few weeks. Some alone time is exactly what I've needed. 

Trips into Brighton and Surrey have been light, brief and fun.

So this is kinda a post to say... I'm still alive!

I've been laying low in preparation for the upcoming Wiltshire gathering @thegeobiologist , Equinox celebrations in Glastonbury and then the much anticipated Dorset discussion day with Rory exploring the true meaning of freedom and prophecy as coded in Jung's symbolism. It's taking me down some fresh mental wanderings - as usual giving me more questions than providing answers.


Photo a throwback to south London park lazing with @james.dee.clayton in July and me trying to be more relaxed in front of a camera.

Adventures incoming.
And India on the horizon now too.

Hope you are keeping well, as we slip into cosy jumpers and Yin vibes.


My first ever Shiatsu insights....from 2016!

On a noticeboard in Yoga Point #brixton 

I was queuing for a yoga class and happened to read this.

The rest is history!

I'm using a different SIM after my phone was run over by a van last Wednesday (long story) and discovered some old pics.

I snapped this one thinking "this sounds curious" I must find out more.

Fast forward 7yrs and I'm now working as a Shiatsu Practitioner in both the UK and India

Id never considered working in the health space.
But I let curiosity guide me.... 

Two Shiatsu treatments were all it took for me to sign up to study this incredible ancient healing modality for three years.

Thank you also to burnout which made me seriously improve my self care, and commit to learning more about my needs and how to allow myself to have needs (long story there)....


Collective existence....

New explorations incoming - once I've got thinking and feeling minds aligned.

Group discussions later this month with @thegeobiologist will reveal more.

Where we need to be in community (and how to do that) Vs looking within to fulfill our needs.

Spiritual authority is and always was an inner job.
Roman Christianity distorted this and immeasurably changed the course of human evolution.

It has us looking to an external 'higher (male) power'.

Perhaps the greatest deception of our age.

And no, I'm not "religious", but when someone says "I will teach you about what is hidden from you", how can we not be curious (Mary Magdalene 6:3)


Vedic philosophy teaches of Indra's Net....

The geniuses who could see beyond the visible knew of the network and our need to co-exist.

The unconscious mind has the answers. And the answers reveal themselves in groups, in more profound ways than when we 

It's all unfolding...

Energy workers, pls head to @practitionersgarden 


Image via @sarahofmagdalene

Being with the elements....

A day spent outdoors is a good day.

80 percent of my time in India, I'm outdoors (assuming about a fifth of time I'm sleeping).

Getting outside of concrete, walking on the earth, immersing in salt and plentiful sources of mind and body boosting energy.

Walking among apple trees, willow trees and being by water are my fav places to be.

The grass in my local park is so thick after all the sun and rain lately.

And sunshine!!! 🌞🌞🌞 But not enough of it lately. I need massive Vit D doses.

A glimpse of it in the UK and everyone starts complaining it's too hot!

I have Reynauds Disease so cold weather/winters are no fun. Though I do love the quiet and introspection of yin winter energy.

Wrapping up another UK summer and thoughts now turning to India....

Recharging on the North York Moors...

Van life
UK touring
Star gazing
Cold plunges
Archie the dog
Sitting by water
Spontaneous plans
With @katie_loves_nature
Cream teas @ Walwick Hall


Dogs, gardens, art, sea...

Summer rain, dog walks, sea air, the Turner, and candlelit evenings by the fire.

Peacefulness in Deal, with Hugo and the cats.

My favourite things....

A 15 year of Spaniel
Soaking up greens
Mystery symbols
Evening sun
Drinking coffee

All the ingredients of a Friday laced with light exploration and nourishment for body and soul.

Happy Friday x

Old London haunts.....

Wandering Brixton today and remembering what had me walking round this corner of my road in 2020 - and away from my flat and everything I had built up over 15 years of working in the frenetic city of London.

I walked towards a warmer climate, time to sleep and the option to live slower in every way (in India).

Restoring your energy is a gradual process. There is no hurrying. There is no one size fits all formula.

Sometimes on the healing path you'll go backwards.

Other days you're bursting with energy and up for everything.

Then you find yourself on empty again.

Life is never linear. Nor is the healing path.

There are inevitable highs and lows. The feeling full and feeling empty, and unexpected changes which might keep you in bed for a day, resisting the urge to do, but ultimately so low on energy that there is little choice in the matter.

I hated doing nothing. And being in bed. And not accomplishing and securing other satisfying signs of 'progressing'.

But slowly, I've found a pace and rhythm that suits me. I started to fkourish, slowly, and as I did, my holistics practice flourished too.

Follow for more on burnout recovery.


Solo effort Vs community

This one is spot on.

So many of us pushing on alone for the thrill of success, however you define it.

Chasing dreams while health crumbles.

Do you have a happy balance between solo Vs group effort?

If balance isn't there, how could you find it?

Eating, cooking, shared sleeping space, working - togetherness at Cae Mabon in October 2019 was the closest I came to a community structure where tasks and events were shared.

Energy boosters....

Willow trees
Holistic health
Medieval towns
Beautiful interiors
Comfy garden spaces


Happy Sunday x


Follow Me on Instagram

About Me

I founded SJA Holistics to help people get well, feel great, and stay well using the power of practices derived from Eastern Medicine including Shiatsu, Reiki, Acupressure and Qi Gong.

For over a decade I’ve worked with Ki and have first-hand experience of how energy- and body-work can lead to positive health. Working with the energy body as well as the physical can bring profound changes to mental, emotional and physical issues.

After completing three years of study for the Professional Shiatsu Diploma, I honed my experience working voluntarily for six months in a national UK charity giving Shiatsu to people recovering from substance misuse.

It is my mission to help you recognise your own self-healing ability and to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to dramatically improve your self-care.

Learn More

My Approach

We create your current health picture. Then we get clear on your goals so that we are aligned from the outset. This makes it easier to monitor progress.

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Intelligent Energy

Every one of us has a universal energy, also known as lifeforce, chi, prana and Ki, that underpins our whole existence, and within that, our health. Stimulating the flow of Ki is how you can get well, feel great and stay well.

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